Making Education Safer

The security challenge

Compliance with regulation and oversight by various local and federal agencies continues to be an ongoing challenge for school boards already struggling with increasing operating costs. Not surprisingly, many of these regulations relate to security and safety.

How Verifyfaces works

Verifyfaces is a proactive security solution featuring a powerful face matching platform that puts business owners back in control of everything from security and identity verification to access control and attendance tracking, making Verifyfaces particularly well suited to to Educational institutions. Verifyfaces is a face matching system that features the same algorithm used by most western countries for Border Protection, Security, Passport Control and SmartGates – proven in the field for over 40 years. Unlike most other systems, Verifyfaces pre-scans video for recognizable objects (e.g. faces), then creates optimized, time-stamped events ensuring blistering system performance thanks to an on-site face matching unit (FMU). These captured events are matched against customizable image galleries.

Image Galleries

By matching real time surveillance data with
historical footage Verifyfaces addresses a range of
business issues. Galleries can easily be setup for:

  • People on an alert list
  • Persons approved for
  • restricted areas
  • Parents and guardians
  • Authorized suppliers

Configurable alerts with instructions can be sent to
selected staff once a positive ID is made, ensuring
timely action is taken.

Verifyfaces is a proactive security solution that puts you back in control.

Verifyfaces can also help with:

  • Access Control
  • Visitor Management
  • Attendance Tracking
  • Parent Communication
  • Simplifying Regulatory Compliance

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